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June 17, 2013

Caregiver Stress Test

Caregiving is an extremely demanding task, and often it is required of us with little advance knowledge or preparation.  It’s not unusual for the caregiver to suffer more dire physical consequences than the individual being cared for.  How are you doing?

Use the following scale to rate how true each statement is for you right now:

1 = Never     2 = Sometimes     3 = Often     4= Usually/always true

  1. I can’t get enough rest.
  2. I don’t have enough time for myself.
  3. I don’t have time to be with other people I care about beside the person I care for.
  4. I feel guilty about my situation.
  5. I don’t get out much anymore.
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  7. I have conflict with the person I care for.
  8. I have conflicts with my family members.
  9. I cry every day.
  10. I worry about having enough money to make ends meet.
  11. I don’t feel I have enough knowledge or experience to give care as well as I’d like.
  12. My own health is not good.

Generally a total score below 22 is good.  Items with a score of 4 need attention.  If your score is 25 or more, seek help for yourself and your care receiver.

Source:  Test adapted from the San Diego Mental Health Services.